Friday 15 May 2015

My childhood

Most people who have seen my fight in my activism wrongly assume i spent all my childhood in the care system. In fact my nightmare didn't start until i was 14. i was born and raised in a quiet rural village on the fylde coast kirkham. My mother wasnt a good mother but we didn't no any different and luckily we had amazing grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. My father was a hardworking man who worked all hours to make sure us kids had everything we needed. Even when he wasn't at work he would be on his allotment growing fresh fruit and veg for us.
We enjoyed family holidays abroad to spain which were rare in the 70s. I was constantly told at school how gifted and intelligent i was and even wn a scholarship to a private girls school at 11, I didn't go my choice i wanted to go to the same high school as my brother and cousins.
When i was 12 my mother dragged me away from all i knew and loved 35 miles away to accrington she was chasing a married man she was having an affair with. My life quickly went down from then on and i learnt very quickly that my mother would put herself before us EVERY TIME

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