Wednesday 20 May 2015

My 5th child William David Shaun

When Lewis was still tiny only 6/8 weeks old i met Anthony. He was younger than me suppose i was flattered by the attention and for the five years together we spent he never raised a hand to me until the very end, Anthony was the first man who didn't want to beat me.
We were married October 2004 i was pregnant with our first son we went on to have another son and daughter together. I will tell the story of Anthony but not in this post this is all about my William..

William was born april 2005 lewis was only ten months and three weeks it hadn't been an easy pregnancy. Iv already explained about my rapid births but the midwifes never listen she told me i was only 4 centimeters dilated so i made her give me a shot of pethadine thought i was having a rough time like Lewis. As she injected me i felt the urge to push and he popped out. the blanket was over my legs midwife was telling Anthony to ignore me it was the drugs and he was listening. i remember screaming at him lift that blanket up and save my baby from falling now. Because of the delay William didn't take his first breath right and a valve in his heart hadn't closed. "They said its ok then gave us lessons in resuscitation" we didnt find this out until he was 3 weeks old though as he was rushed to nicu losing weight rapidly and throwing up every drop of milk we tried it came apparent he had a serious allergy to baby milk too. Id never had a poorly baby before it was the most frightening time of my entire life. We weren't allowed to stay there so used to go ten am to ten pm and sit with him. Lewis was such a good baby he was content just seeing his baby brother.
 There was one baby in there born same day as our boy and we saw him being resuscitated one day he survived that day but went to heaven not long after still haunts me and i will tell William one day how lucky and special and strong he was to get better.

The hole in williams heart was tiny think they said 3mm but id never dealt with anything like this before i was terrified we spent a fortune on a heart monitor so an alarm would go off if anything happened. I wrapped him in pure cotton wool i rarely put him down i was so scared. William had monthly visits with a heart doctor from alder hey until at 8 months his heart scan showed us his hole had healed naturally. I cant tell you how relieved we were we'd been scared of people making loud noises round him or making him jump. I don't think either of us slept properly those first 8 months but i still kept that cotton wool round him. Around us all really i liked my family being cocooned and safe we didn't need others i never went anywhere unless it was shopping or a kids day out and my William right up until they took him at almost 5 he was my constant shadow 100% mummy's boy and i wouldn't have had him any other way. William wrote me a letter in November last year the social worker told him he get a reply of me i posted it the very next day she still hasn't given it to him and now we are in may ..........

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