Tuesday 19 May 2015

Forced adoption part one

The first time i suffered forced adoption was with my eldest son daniel. I hadnt known about family courts until these proceedings, when i was in care my mother had put me there and it was voluntary so id never faced the family courts then. My violent ex had already got custody of my 2nd and 3rd child. That decision had already confused and broken me but still niave i thought they couldnt possibly adopt my son out against my wishes. how wrong was I..........It took two years of going to court back and forth constantly no matter how loud i screamed it was like nobody could hear me or wanted to. Id told family court of my abuse in care was told i was delusional and a liar no support or help offered in any way. I had to see a psychologist i told her what happened to me and she too labelled me delusional. I was drowning in the world of family law and NOBODY would listen or help me. Daniel said from day one he didnt want adopting he was 8 now old enough to no his own mind but nobody listened to him either. Social workers said he was university material and he would never get there under my care. They said i was a risk of future emotional harm because i was obviously attention seeking saying men in suits had raped me as a child in care.
The day they freed my son for adoption was one of the worst days of my entire life, this is the first time iv been able to talk about it 15 years later. As the judge gave the order i cant describe the pain that cursed through my mind body and soul. I could hear loud howling it took me a few minutes to realise it was me howling id fallen to the floor my whole world had fallen apart. I dont think i could have felt worse if the judge had given me the death penalty. The social workers guardian ad litem and their solicitors all walked past me high fiving each other. Something died inside me that day and it never came back. As iv said before just over 3 years later daniel was handed back to me when his adopter decided he wasnt what she wanted and threw him back in to care. Why had they done everything possible to take him from me to hand him back when he was 12 il never no. The university education that they swore would happen if he went for adoption didnt. Daniel came back a damaged young man and nothing was done to help or support him in anyway. The lies they said i told about being abused in care ............... a year after the adoption freeing order i was contacted by lancashire police under operation nevada about complaints of children being sexually abused in lancashire childrens homes. With what i no now i feel my son was adopted to make me an uncredible witness. They were scared of who i would name, If only they would have asked me i would have told them i couldnt name any of them. I was punished for being a victim of domestic violence for having serious mental health issues and for being raped in their care. I lost trust in everyone and everything drowned my pain in alcohol and met another violent man. I think i was punishing myself now and thinking i deserved to be treated bad. My final contact after that court hearing was the day after i bought a chain where the pendant was in two halves i gave half to daniel and i kept half, i told him that way we would always be together. Daniel bought me a chain with a mum pendant on i never took either chain off all the time he was away. I was allowed two letters of him a year but id always be waiting at least 3 months for my letter from daniel its like an emotional game they play on us parents whilst waiting for these letters our lives are on hold and talking to many more victims of forced adoption it happens to so many off us it is definitely orchestrated to make us feel worse. Once the social services have what they want the parents are forgotten left to deal with the massive mental trauma they have been left with. I was beaten up spat at in the street no one would believe me that i hadnt done anything to deserve it. I was still that frightened teenager inside desperate for somebody to help me anything to take that noise out of my head NOBODY EVER DID










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